


  1. A special feature of the epithelium of PCT in a nephron of human kidney is the presence of
    (1) Cilia           (2) Flagella
    (3) Microvilli (4) Stratification
  2. Choose the odd one w.r.t secretion of exocrine glands.
    (1) Earwax        (2) Milk
    (3) Hormones (4) Digestive enzymes
  3. All of the following are present in all connective tissues without exception, except
    (1) Nucleated cells (2) Fibres
    (3) Matrix                (4) Proteins
  4. A type of cell not present in areolar tissue is
    (1) Mast cell        (2) Fibroblast
    (3) Macrophage (4) Chondrocyte
  5. Which of the following is not exclusive to neuron?
    (1) Dendrites                  (2) Axon
    (3) Plasma membrane (4) Nissl’s granules
  6. Compound epithelium covers
    (1) Alveoli of lungs
    (2) Moist surface of buccal cavity
    (3) Inner surface of fallopian tubes
    (4) Inner surface of intestine
  7. All -amino acids contain all of the following except
    (1) Carboxyl group (2) -Carbon
    (3) Hydrogen (4) Methyl group
  8. Which component among following makes up the least percentage of total cellular mass?
    (1) Water (2) Proteins
    (3) Ions    (4) Lipids
  9. Select the odd one w.r.t. aromatic amino acids.
    (1) Tyrosine
    (2) Valine
    (3) Tryptophan
    (4) Phenylalanine
  10. The volume of air cannot be estimated by using a spirometer is
    (1) Tidal volume
    (2) Inspiratory reserve volume
    (3) Residual volume
    (4) Expiratory reserve volume
  11.  Select the odd one w.r.t source of following proteolytic enzymes.
    (1) Enterokinase
    (2) Trypsin
    (3) Chymotrypsin
    (4) Carboxypeptidase
  12. Milk protein digesting enzyme in infants is secreted by which part of alimentary canal?
    (1) Colon
    (2) Oesophagus
    (3) Stomach
    (4) Duodenum
  13. The part of small intestine in humans with a ‘C’ shaped curvature is
    (1) Ileum (2) Colon
    (3) Jejunum (4) Duodenum
  14. Select the option that represents constituents of succus entericus only.
    (1) Lactase, sucrase, maltase
    (2) Nuclease, nucleotidase, nucleosidase
    (3) Trypsin, pepsin, enterokinase
    (4) Amylase, lipase, rennin
  15. A person is observed with irregular bowel movements and retention of faeces within colon. He is most likely experiencing
    (1) Diarrhoea       (2) Indigestion
    (3) Constipation (4) Obesity
  16. The volume of air that a healthy man can inspire or expire per minute during normal respiration is
    (1) 500 ml (2) 2500 ml
    (3) 6000 ml (4) 4500 ml
  17. Trachea divides at which level into right and left primary bronchi in humans?
    (1) 5th cervical vertebra (2) 5th thoracic vertebra
    (3) 7th cervical vertebra (4) 5th lumbar vertebra
  18.  Most of the O2 transported in the oxygenated blood is
    (1) Dissolved in plasma
    (2) In oxyhaemoglobin form
    (3) In carbamino-haemoglobin form
    (4) In carboxyhaemoglobin form
  19. Part of respiratory tract not supported by incomplete cartilaginous rings is
    (1) Trachea                     (2) Tertiary bronchi
    (3) Initial bronchioles (4) Alveoli
  20. Incomplete double circulation is found in
    (1) Crocodile (2) Parrot
    (3) Horse       (4) Lizard

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