Section A

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
During our growing up years we as children were taught – both at home and school – to worship the photos and idols of the Gods of our respective religions. When we grew a little older, we were to read holy books like the Bhagwad Gita, Bible, and Quran; we were told that there are a lot of life lessons to be learned from these holy books. We were then introduced to stories from our mythologies which taught us about ethics and morality- what is good and what is bad. I also learned to be respectful towards my parents who made my life comfortable with their hard work and love and care, and my teachers who guided me to become a good student and a responsible citizen.
Much later in life, I realised that though we learn much from our respective holy books, there is a lot to learn from our surroundings. This realization dawned upon me when I learnt to enquire and explore. Everything around us- the sun, the moon, the stars, rain, rivers, stones, rocks, birds, plants and animals – teach us many valuable life lessons.
No wonder that besides the scriptures, in many cultures nature is also worshipped. The message that we get is to save our environment and maintain ecological balance. People are taught to live in harmony with nature and recognize that there is God in all aspects of nature.
Nature is a great teacher. A river never stops flowing. If it finds an obstacle in its way in the form of a heavy rock, the river water fights to remove it from its path or finds an alternative path to move ahead. This teaches us to be progressive in life, and keep the fighting spirit alive.
Snakes are worshipped as they eat insects in the field that can hurt our crops, thus protecting the grains for us. In fact, whatever we worship is our helper and makes our lives easy for us. There are many such examples in nature, but we are not ready to learn a lesson. Overcome with greed, we are destroying nature. As a result, we face natural disasters like droughts, floods and landslides. We don’t know that nature is angry with us.
However, it is never too late to learn. If we learn to respect nature, the quality of our life will improve.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the 6 that follow.
i) We are told to worship photos and idols of Gods during our _________.
a. childhood
b. adulthood
c. growing up years
d. none of these
(ii) Parents should be worshiped because __________
a. they gave us Holy books to read
b. they taught us what is good and what is bad
c. they work hard to make our lives easier
d. they have read many mythical stories
(iii) One can learn life lessons from _________
1. Mythology 2. Reading Holy books
3. Nature 4. Worshiping photos and idols of God
a. 1,2,4                 b. 1,3,4
c. 1,2,3                 d. 2,3,4
(iv) The natural disaster that has not been talked about in the passage is:
a. Drought
b. Earthquake
c. Flood
d. Landslide
(v)A river teaches us to be ___________
a. Stubborn
b. Obstinate
c. Progressive
d. Docile
(vi)Snakes are worshipped because they protect ____________
a. Crops from animals
b. Crops from insects
c. Us from rodents
d. Us from insects

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
1. It is an indisputable fact that the world has gone too far with the innovation of new technologies such as mobile phones, the Internet and so on, due to which people are able to tour the cosmos virtually sitting at one place using their smart devices or other technological gadgets. Though mobile internet access is oftentimes hurried and short, it can still provide common internet features like alerts, weather data, emails, search engines, instant messages, and games and music downloading.
2. Due to the easy access of smart phones, communication has been very effective and instant. People are able to convey their message all around the globe to their loved ones without spending hefty sums of money. Adults are always fond of such gadgets and they always welcome and adopt such new technology readily. Further, young people have been able to broaden their minds and improve their skills by doing research on the Internet. For instance, they use smart phones to look up any new word they come across. As we know that most of the universities have online teaching provision and smart phones assist the students to complete their assignments on time.
3. The mobile phone has been a lifesaver for a lot of people in case of an emergency. Likewise, the use of smartphones can be of vital importance in preventing crimes in society by providing information to the security forces in time.
4. Nonetheless, for the young the use of mobile phones can be like an addiction and they can misuse it. Young people are also prone to getting involved in undesirable activities on the Internet. This might have an adverse effect on their academic performance. Therefore, young people should always be monitored and made aware of its bad outcomes.
5. Also a major contributor to its popularity is the availability of prepaid or pay–as–you–go services from a phone shop or an online store. This allows subscribers to load text or airtime credits to their handsets by the use of their credit cards, debit cards or by buying a prepaid card from the network they subscribe to. This plan also doesn’t commit a particular customer to a contract. If prepaid card is not that appealing to you, then you can opt to subscribe using the pay–by–month plan.

On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer of the following:
(i) What are the bad outcomes of mobile phones for youth according to passage?
(a) it is very expensive so increase expense.
(b) pay–by–month plan.
(c) an adverse effect on their academic performance
d) None of these
(ii) How the communication become very effective and instant.
(a) Due to the new technology
(b) With the help of transport
(c) Due to the easy access of smart phones
(d) both (i) and (iii)
(iii) In para 1, the synonym of ‘innovation’ is …………………… (a) Production (b) sincerity (c) invention (d) prevention
(iv) In para 4, the antonym of ‘favourable’ is …………………… (a) positive (b) prone (c) outcomes (d) adverse
(v) Grown-ups should not monitor the use of new technology by young people.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) can’t say
(d) all of the above
(vi) Mobile internet can provide access to ……………………
a) emails
b) music download
c) weather data
d) all of the above


Hope you found it useful,